HUD Compliance Certification Inspections

Foundation Inspections for Manufactured Homes

All foundation inspections for new and existing manufactured homes must comply with the guidelines outlined in the September 1996 Permanent Foundations Guide for Manufactured Housing (HUD-7584). Certification of compliance must be provided by a licensed professional engineer. In practical terms, this means the foundation must adhere to the standards specified in the 1996 HUD manual, which requires a site-specific design for each home. Key factors like snow loads, dead loads, wind loads, and seismic conditions must be accounted for in the design. Additionally, a perimeter strip foundation that extends below the frost line, as well as properly supported piers beneath the chassis, are essential requirements.

HUD Requirements

HUD regulations play a crucial role in establishing how a foundation must be constructed to meet building code standards. The foundation design must offer protection against lateral shifting, shearing, and uplift forces. According to HUD, unless a site-specific engineered design is provided, the stacked blocks supporting the home must be mortared and secured to the footing with rebar. Additional strapping between the stacked blocks is also required for enhanced stability. All HUD-compliant projects must be reviewed and stamped by a licensed professional engineer to confirm they meet these standards.

Inspection Information

At Precise Home Inspections LLC, our reports adhere to both FHA and HUD guidelines. During the inspection, we thoroughly assess and verify key components, including:

  • Site layout to identify potential drainage issues or flood risks.
  • Manufacturer’s details, including names, addresses, and contact information.
  • Date of manufacture and construction details of the foundation.
  • Inspection records and building permits.
  • Foundation dimensions.
  • Proper installation of foundation ties.
Manufactured Home Engineering Certification